Sarathlal N

Migrating code repo from BitBucket to GitHub

Recently, I moved our organization’s BitBucket repositories to GitHub for easier use and simpler project management. After exploring different methods, including built-in migration options, and not finding a suitable solution, I used the following commands to complete the migration.

Clone the Bitbucket Repository:

git clone

Replace user_name, workspace_name, and repo_name with our Bitbucket credentials and repository information.

Change Directory to the Repository:

cd repo_name/

Now we are in the cloned repository directory.

Create Local Tracking Branches:

git branch -r | grep -v '\->' | sed "s,\x1B\[[0-9;]*[a-zA-Z],,g" | while read remote; do git branch --track "${remote#origin/}" "$remote"; done

This command creates local branches that track remote branches from Bitbucket.

Fetch All Remote Branches:

git fetch --all

This command fetches all remote branches from Bitbucket.

Fetch Tags (Forcefully):

git fetch --tags --force

This command fetches all tags from Bitbucket, forcefully overwriting any existing tags with the same name.

Create new repo in GitHub

I manually created all repos one by one in GitHub. There are multiple way to do it in command line like GitHub CLI tool etc. Then copy the new remote repo URL.

Set New GitHub Repository as Remote:

git remote set-url origin

Replace organization_name and new_repo_name with our GitHub organization and repository information.

Checkout and Track Remote Branches (excluding ‘master’):

for remote in `git branch -r | grep -v master `; do git checkout --track $remote ; done

This loop checks out and sets up tracking for all remote branches except ‘master’.

Push All Local Branches to GitHub:

git push --all

This command pushes all local branches to our new GitHub repository.

Push Tags to GitHub:

git push --tags

This command pushes all tags to our new GitHub repository.

That’s enough.

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