Creating Easy Digital Download Coupons Dynamically
Creating Easy Digital Downloads (EDD) coupons dynamically can greatly enhance your promotional efforts. Whether you are offering a discount for new subscribers or setting up a time-limited sale, being able to programmatically generate coupons provides flexibility and efficiency. In this blog post, we will walk you through setting up EDD coupons with a dynamic expiry date of 10 days from creation.
Function to Create EDD Coupons with Dynamic Expiry
First, we need a function that creates a coupon and sets its expiry date dynamically to 10 days from the creation date. Add this function to your theme’s functions.php
file or a custom plugin.
function create_edd_coupon($code, $amount, $type = 'percent', $products = array()) {
if ( ! class_exists( 'EDD_Discount' ) ) {
return false;
// Calculate the expiration date (10 days from now)
$expiration_date = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime( '+10 days' ) );
// Create the discount
$discount = new EDD_Discount;
// Set the discount properties
$discount->name = 'Dynamic Coupon';
$discount->code = $code;
$discount->type = $type;
$discount->amount = $amount;
$discount->start_date = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' );
$discount->end_date = $expiration_date;
$discount->max_uses = 1; // Adjust as needed
$discount->uses = 0;
$discount->product_reqs = $products;
$discount->excluded_products = array();
$discount->status = 'active';
$discount->use_once = true; // Ensure coupon is used only once
$discount->apply_once = true; // Apply coupon only on the first purchase
// Save the discount
$discount_id = $discount->save();
return $discount_id ? true : false;
Example Usage of the Function
You can use this function to create a coupon whenever you need. For instance, you might want to generate a coupon for a specific promotional campaign.
// Example usage
$coupon_code = 'SPECIAL20';
$coupon_amount = '20'; // 20% discount
$coupon_type = 'percent'; // Can be 'percent' or 'flat'
$product_ids = array(123, 456); // Array of product IDs this coupon applies to
$success = create_edd_coupon($coupon_code, $coupon_amount, $coupon_type, $product_ids);
if ($success) {
echo 'Coupon created successfully!';
} else {
echo 'Failed to create coupon.';
Automated Coupon Creation on User Registration
To further enhance user experience, you might want to generate a coupon automatically when a new user registers on your site. Here’s how you can hook into the user registration process and create a welcome coupon.
add_action('user_register', 'create_welcome_coupon', 10, 1);
function create_welcome_coupon($user_id) {
$user_info = get_userdata($user_id);
$coupon_code = 'WELCOME' . strtoupper($user_info->user_login);
$coupon_amount = '10'; // 10% discount
$success = create_edd_coupon($coupon_code, $coupon_amount, 'percent', array());
if ($success) {
// Optionally send the coupon code to the user via email
wp_mail($user_info->user_email, 'Welcome Coupon', 'Thank you for registering! Use coupon code ' . $coupon_code . ' to get a 10% discount. The coupon expires in 10 days.');
By following the steps outlined above, you can dynamically create EDD coupons and set them to expire 10 days after creation. This approach is particularly useful for running time-sensitive promotions and ensuring that discounts are used promptly. You can also automate the coupon creation process to enhance user engagement, such as offering a discount to new users upon registration.
Implementing these techniques will help you leverage the full potential of Easy Digital Downloads and improve your promotional strategies. Happy coding!
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