Sarathlal N

Display all products without pagination – Magento 1

To display all products without pagination, we want to edit a core file in Magento.

To avoid feature update issues, first we are going to copy that core file in to our local code pool. So just copy Toolbar.php file from app/code/core/Mage/Catalog/Block/Product/List/ to our local code pool with same directory structure.

Now our file will be available as app/code/local/Mage/Catalog/Block/Product/List/Toolbar.php and we are going to edit this file.

Inside this file, we can find a function getLimit()( beginning around line 723 ). In the beginning of that function, just change $limit variable value as 'all'.

$limit = 'all';

After reloading the page, now we can see all the products in a single page with out pagination in Magento. If you feel any missing, just re index all data and refresh the Magento cache and reload again.

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