Sarathlal N

Display all sites in a network as a drop down list – WordPress

When creating WordPress network sites, regularly I want to display all sites in that network as a drop down in front end.

We can use a simple code snippet that useĀ wpdb class to get such a list.

global $wpdb;
$blogs = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM $wpdb->blogs WHERE spam = '0' AND deleted = '0' and archived = '0' and public='1'"));
	 <select onChange="window.document.location.href=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;" value="GO">
		 foreach($blogs as $blog){
		 $details = get_blog_details($blog->blog_id);
			 if($details != false){
				$addr = $details->siteurl;
				$name = $details->blogname;
					if(!(($blog->blog_id == 1)&&($show_main != 1))){ //This if statement that hide main site from list. So comment or uncomment this line with below closing tag
					<option value="<?php echo $addr; ?>"><?php echo $name;?></option>
					} //End of if statement

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