Sarathlal N

Get upcoming N days - PHP

If you need upcoming N days in PHP, you can use the below code snippet.

function get_upcoming_n_days($days, $format = 'Y-m-d'){
	$m = date("m"); $de= date("d"); $y= date("Y");
	$dateArray = array();
	for($i=0; $i<=$days-1; $i++){
		$dateArray[] = date($format, mktime(0,0,0,$m,($de+$i),$y)); 
	return $dateArray;


$days = get_upcoming_n_days(7);

echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';


Array {
	[0]=> 2020-02-14
	[1]=> 2020-02-15
	[2]=> 2020-02-16
	[3]=> 2020-02-17
	[4]=> 2020-02-18
	[5]=> 2020-02-19
	[6]=> 2020-02-20

The default date format will be Y-m-d. To change that format, add format in the function call as the second parameter.

$days = get_upcoming_n_days(7, 'd/m/Y');

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