Sarathlal N

Remove "Category:", "Tag:", "Author:" etc strings from the_archive_title - WordPress

In default, if we call the_archive_title function in a taxonomy archive page like category page, the page will display title as “Category: Your Category Name”. We can see same type result in all other archive pages.

But in one of our recent WordPress project, client ask to remove the prefixes like, “Category:”, “Tag:”, “Author:”, etc from archive titles. Below, you can find a small code snippet that will do this job.

function twem_custom_archive_title( $title ) {
	// Remove any HTML, words, digits, and spaces before the title.
	return preg_replace( '#^[\w\d\s]+:\s*#', '', strip_tags( $title ) );
add_filter( 'get_the_archive_title', 'twem_custom_archive_title' );

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