Sarathlal N

Set up GitHub pages & Custom domain for GitHub pages

GitHub pages are public website / blog for us and our GitHub projects. We can host our static website / blog in GitHub same like our repositories using GitHub pages for free of cost.

If you have a user account in GitHub, you can create a single user / organization pages and multiple project pages for your gitHub repositories. The user / organization pages stand for public website / blog for user or organization. The project pages are public website for our projects hosted in GitHub repositories.

All GitHub pages served over HTTP, not HTTPS. Also they can only handle static files like HTML, CSS, JavaScript etc. The user / organization pages and project pages are almost identical except some points.

User / Organization pages

The user / organization pages lives in a custom repository dedicated to serve its files in GitHub.

Project pages

The Project Pages in GitHub are kept in the same repository as the project they are for.

Set up User / Organization pages

Now you can meet your website / blog at If it is not happened, please wait for 10 t0 20 minutes.

Set up project pages

After 10 to 20 minutes, we can reach our project web pages / blog from

Custom domain for User / organization and project pages

We already discussed about various GitHub pages and how we can set up them. GitHub pages also allow us to map our custom domain to this pages. That means, we can use our own domain name (URL) for user / organization pages and project pages.

The custom domain help us to keep an identity among community. It is very easy and it cost little bucks.

Setting up custom domain for both type GitHub pages are similar in nature. So following description is applicable for user / organization pages and project pages.

Before any further action, I believe that you already purchased your favorite domain name. I consider that, is our custom domain for GitHub pages.

Then we want to set the domain in our repository and change DNS records to look up GitHub pages servers.

Set the domain in our repository

Modify DNS records for GitHub pages

We want to change DNS records of our custom domain by logging in to control / administration panel of our name registrar.

Actually we’re telling the registrar that anytime a web user tries to access our site, it should send that user to GitHub’s servers.

First we want to create a A record (short for “address”) that maps the domain to the Internet Protocol (IP) address of GitHub. Currently github’s DNS Zone located at and we want to use it as IP adress in DNS settings.

Then we want to create a CNAME records in DNS settings to handle www requests. Since many users may automatically add a www prefix to any web address, we should tell our registrar to treat the www version of our domain name the same way as the root.

With the help of this change, we can tell the registrar that the www name ( is really an alias, and the official (canonical) name is the root name (

Interface for DNS management is entirely different for different registrar. So remember that we want to add two records in DNS settings.

  1. A record ( host name / name:, value or IP address or URL: )
  2. CNAME record ( host name / name:, value or IP address or URL: )

After all updates, we want to wait some hours to get it works. Theoretically it can take as long as 3 days for these type of changes to propagate through the INTERNET, although 30 minutes to a couple of hours is more typical.

Once the propagation is complete, we mapped our custom domain in to GitHub pages and then we can use our GitHub pages like


The git, GitHub and GitHub pages are bit confusing for a beginner to understand. I just write it as a basic intro and you must read other articles and tutorials to get well.

But if you want to swim well, you must be in water. So first make a GitHub account, then make some sample repository for GitHub pages and play with them via commands. The whole things are become easier than you think.

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