Sarathlal N

The basics about packages and themes in Magento 1

When I begin Magento customization, some terms are little confusing for me. In my first day, I can’t understand the use of packages with the themes in Magento stores.

Actually I consumed a whole day to find its practical use & understand the flexibility of Magento themes.

The package is a collection of themes that determines the visual output and front-end functionalities of our Magento store. A package can be assigned on either the website-level and/or store view-level through the administration panel.

A theme is any combination of layout, template, locale and/or skin file(s) that create the visual experience.

A theme consists of any or all of the following:

These are basic XML files that define block structure for different pages as well as control META information and page encoding.

These are PHTML files that contain (X)HTML markups and any necessary PHP tags to create logic for visual presentation.

These are simple text documents organized on a per language basis that contain translations for store copy.

These are block-specific Javascript, CSS and image files that compliment our (X)HTML.

The default & non-default theme

The Magento is built with the capacity to load multiple themes at once from a package. Also each and every package comes with a default theme.

The default theme is the main theme for a package. It have basic functionality & styles for an E-Commerce store.

If we like to customize our Magento store, we can create a non-default theme & then assign it to our store.

By this way, the basic styles and functionality of our store will comes from default theme & our custom styles and functionality will comes from our non default themes.

If we assigned a non-default theme to our store, the application first look template files and skins files from that non default theme. If our non-default theme lack these file, the application automatically look files from default theme.

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